Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Naturally Wholesome Guarantee

Fooooooooooooooooooooooood. We all need it.  Some of us don’t want it, but there’s a reason society has deemed those unfortunate circumstances “psychological disorders”. Food is wonderful and it’s full of wonder in so many flavors……. thousands in fact. Your taste buds react positively or negatively, depending on whether you ate well or chose poorly.  Say, bacon vs. Possum loin. Both are anatomically choice cuts of meat…however, there is a reason people are not eating possum loin and eggs every morning for breakfast. Bacon is way better…. Check Mate!  Anyways, we need food, but what do we REALLY know about the shit we shovel into our face holes? We are told by a label it is “Natural” and we have been informed it’s been inspected for “wholesomeness”.  Sounds like some quality stuff, but upon further review, ambiguity and corporately defined, “gray areas” keep the good stuff off our plates and out of our hearts…

We all know about GMOs or at least that they are bad and the “bad guys” think there good, however what do we really “know” about the food we eat.   On a daily basis, in the news, there are always topics on GMOs, food labeling, food inspection process, and now false claims on products. I grabbed a can of soup out of my pantry today and noticed a very small circle shaped stamp of inspection that I could barely even read with my coke-bottle lenses. After reading the label I realized that it was a good thing and that my food in fact has been inspected for wholesomeness.  It made me feel much better about the soup knowing it has passed the “wholesomeness” test.  Ummmmm wholsomness????  I understand that the USDA inspects the meat and this tells us that the meat has been inspected, however this label leads me and I’m sure others also to believe that the whole can of soup was inspected for “wholesomeness”. 

There have been several law suits popping up lately about products falsely being labeled as natural due to companies slapping the letters on their food or drinks.  These labels do not mean anything to me anymore and make me think of the guarantee on a box scene from Tommy Boy.  It is just a guarantee and it doesn’t mean a thing.  Unless you live on a farm and cook your own food and raise your own livestock, get used to lots of false labeling and scary ingredients.  In conclusion, it’s time we as a culture demand definitions for terms defining quality.

Except Taco Bell, they can keep on doing whatever they want, because I like it and I call this Blog Dan Good Food for a reason…not the Dan good modified food.


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chefs and restaurants attempting to elliminate "food porn"

I love food a little too much as some may know and not just for the taste, texture, and smell, however also because of the pure beauty of the art.  A lot of us are guilty of taking pictures of our meals at restaurants and/or at home and sharing them on our social network accounts.  Sometimes even before we take a bite to make sure they actually even taste as good as they look.  To a foodie this phenomenon of taking pictures of perfectly plated food has been coined "food porn", which I am guilty of looking at a fare share myself and have been involved in the distribution and photography of as well. 

French Chef Alexandre Gauthier is attempting to put an end to the food porn, food selfies, and tweeting during the meal at his restaurant.  He remembers when people would take pictures of their family at restaurants for souvenirs, but now instead people take pictures of their orders and share it on social media accounts before taking a bite. Chef Gauthier has now put a picture of a camera on his menu with a line through it attempting to stop his customers from photographing the food and posting it, so they will actually take a bite of their meals before its cold.  Chef Gauthier said "I would like people to be living in the present. Tweet about the meal beforehand, tweet about it afterwards, but in between stop and eat. Sitting down for a meal should be an enjoyable moment shared with us, not with the social network. Instead of enjoying the moment they are elsewhere. But it is a minority of diners." This is not the only chef and restaurant trying to ban food photography.  Recently there has been several restaurants in New York that are also putting bans on the use of cameras since customers have been standing on tables to capture their meals at interesting view points and using tripods. It is one thing to take a quick picture of food with your camera, however that's going a little too far. I would think this is the modern age form of my compliments to the chef?  So heads up if you're in a restaurant and be discreet when trying to capture a picture of a plate of food. Even though you are paying for it and attempting to post or tweet and give the restaurant free press.

I think it is time that I start a magazine called Foodboy or National Foodgraphic!!  This months centerfold......... a 5 star restaurant serving a 7 course meal with succulent, hot and spicy, mouth watering, and visually stunning dishes.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dan Good's time I start talking about food and not just with my mouth full.

GOT BACON? First off, sorry to all of my vegan, vegetarian and anti bacon eaters for writing a blog solely about the amazingness that is bacon.   No matter what form and way it is cooked or paired with bacon is amazing, however the bacon I made this morning was flawless.  It is not every day that you cook that wonderful crunchy, chewy, not burnt or undercooked, just right delicious bacon that makes the entire house aromatic, melts in your mouth, and makes life worth living for!   My two year old has already joined me in my love for bacon and I could not be happier.  Yes I want her to eventually be awesome at baseball and play guitar, however the fact that she already thourgouhly enjoys a good piece of bacon with me is all I need and a good sign that she is on the right path.  For those of you who are pissed at me now because you are reading this blog and are now craving bacon and you have none in your fridge to cook, just think about the upcoming 2014 Bacon Fest in Royal Oak. I will not be missing this event this year as my appreciation for this cut of pork has grown since last year’s fest.  The great thing about bacon is it goes with everything and Burger King Needs to bring back the Bacon Sundae!!! Sounds disgusting? Well bacon and ice cream actually go together like peanut butter and jelly, cake and ice cream, up and down, spaghetti and meatballs, mustard and ketchup, and rama  lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong.

Food for thought:

My favorite salad to make now and I want to share the secret.

The Dan Good Salad


Bacon, White Onion, Gorgonzola, spring mix or any lettuce of your choice, Fresh Dill, and Garlic Expression Dressing.   

Sometimes I throw on some Avocados to make even more enjoyable.


Grill the bacon and onions!!!!!!!! If you can do it on a real grill it's ideal, however a grill pan works just as good.  Slice the onions on the thin side and sprinkle with salt and pepper and a little olive oil, and then grill them till nice and charred on both sides. Grill the bacon till nice and crispy almost on the burnt side. Crumble up the bacon and slice up the onion. Chop up dill and add to taste. Throw it all in a bowl or however you like to make salads and then eat it with a fork or however you like to eat salads.